The circuit consists of 18 table. Each player would receive a cue. Each group will receive a score card and 4 balls different in colour and weight. The coloured circle at the beginning of each table shows which ball you have to use. You must play one at time. Each player has 6 throws at most for each table, after the 6th throw, you must mark 7 and move to the next table (one penalty point because you did not score). Aim of the game is to complete the circuit with the least number of throws.
How to play?
Put the ball on the coloured circle at the beginning of the table. Hold the cue as you play billiards and let it run in parallel to the game surface. Hit the ball in the middle.
The circular area represents an obstacle:
– if the ball does not reach it, you must play again from the starting-circle.
– if the ball reaches it but it goes back again into the canal, you can play from the point in which it has stopped.
If the ball goes out of the table, after having reached the circular area, you can play from the point in which it went out.
If the ball stops next to the border or too close to an obstacle you can move it as the same measure of the diameter of the cue’s handle.
On the table n° 3, n° 6, n° 10, n° 13 and n° 18 you must always play from the starting-circle (on the table n° 3 the ball must stops on the obstacle; on the table n° 18 you must strike until all the skittles have fallen down. On the table n° 14 the ball must touch the opposite border and then go back.)